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Love Locks


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Q1. What does our self-concept include?

a) Self-less, self-concept, and self-consciousness

b) Self-esteem, self-concept, and self-awareness

c) Self-awareness, self-identity, and self-sacrifice

d) Self-love, self-fulfillment, and self-identity


Q2. According to the text, what makes our self-concept unbreakable?

a) The belief in "I am me"

b) The pursuit of self-love

c) Achieving true love

d) Having no expectations from others


Q3. What would be possible if we could exchange minds and bodies?

a) Freedom from the ego-bubble

b) Awakening of our energy

c) Approaching the essence of true love

d) All of the above


Q4. In the context of self-love, why do we "fall in love"?

a) To fulfill another’s needs

b) To meet our own needs

c) To experience Agape love

d) To pursue true love


Q5. When a partner no longer meets our needs, what often happens?

a) We redefine love

b) We deepen our self-love

c) We seek new sources

d) We achieve true love


Q6. What is the “illusion of love” according to the text?

a) Love without any expectations

b) Love based on self-gratification

c) True love without conditions

d) Love without any needs


Q7. What is "invested self-love" often mistaken for?

a) True love

b) Self-concept

c) Ego-bubble

d) Basic self-care

Q8. What does Agape, the highest form of love, involve?

a) Judgment and nurturing

b) Unconditional giving, even in destructive situations

c) Self-gratification

d) Meeting personal needs first


Q9. Why is true love described as "nearly impossible to achieve"?

a) Because it involves forgiving

b) Because it requires no judgment or opinion

c) Because it is the same as self-love

d) Because it depends on our ego


Q10. What often happens to love when a partner stops meeting our expectations?

a) The love story fades

b) We fall deeper in love

c) We stop self-love

d) The bond grows stronger


Q11. According to the text, what does "any form of giving" translate to?

a) Unconditional love

b) Self-sacrifice

c) Self-reward

d) Altruism


Q12. What is the purpose of creating a platform between two self-loving individuals?

a) To achieve true love unconditionally

b) To achieve for Agape love in its purest form

c) To establish an ideal, love connection between two self-loving individuals

d) To avoid self-love


Q13. What is the meaning of Agape in Greek?

a) Self-concept

b) Eternal love

c) The highest level of love

d) Compassion


Q14. Why might we feel compelled to give fully, even in a sacrificial way?

a) To gain unconditional love

b) To avoid guilt, pain, or inner sorrow

c) To prove our commitment

d) To fulfill the partner’s needs

Q15. According to the text, how does love often reflect our relationships?
a) Through selflessness and sacrifice
b) By meeting others' expectations
c) By mirroring our own needs and fears
d) Through pure emotional connection

Correct answers: 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-c, 6-b, 7-a, 8-b, 9-b, 10-a, 11-c, 12-c, 13-c, 14-b, 15-b



Q1. In the "Love Radio" analogy, what does the radio represent in a relationship?

a) The love signal itself

b) The physical platform or instrument that receives the love signal

c) The emotional bond between partners

d) The type of music each person enjoys


Q2. What is essential for a satisfying love experience in the "Love Radio" analogy?

a) A strong love signal only

b) A great physical appearance

c) An updated and well-tuned loving platform

d) A variety of musical preferences


Q3. According to the text, what is the "loving platform" in a relationship?

a) The love signal itself

b) The radio or instrument that receives the love signal

c) The emotional attachment between partners

d) The physical appearance of each partner


Q4. What is suggested to ensure a happy, lasting relationship?

a) Changing partners frequently

b) Creating a platform where self-lovers can perform their relationship

c) Ignoring the love signal entirely

d) Focusing solely on external appearance


Q.5 What does “The Antenna” represent in the Five Love Radio Components?

a) The need for both people to be free

b) The importance of decoding love signals

c) Honoring romantic needs

d) Understanding each other's language


Q.6 What does “The Tuner” encourage in a loving relationship?

a) Allowing one partner to take control

b) Avoiding a sense of ownership over your partner

c) Focusing on relationship languages

d) Amplifying romantic needs


Q7. What is the primary outcome of freedom in a relationship?

a) It creates opportunities for control

b) It allows for better time management

c) It opens the path for deeper respect and understanding

d) All of the above


Q8. What is necessary for freedom to work effectively in a relationship?

a) One partner should lead the relationship

b) Freedom must be equally balanced between partners

c) Both partners should avoid expressing personal opinions

d) Only one partner should have freedom of thought


Q9. What does it mean to accept each other's elements in a relationship?

a) Partners should only accept each other’s strengths

b) Acceptance is crucial, even when things don’t make complete sense

c) Acceptance should only happen if there’s no need for improvement

d) Partners should avoid providing any feedback


Q10. What does the text suggest about the phrase "my girlfriend" or "my husband"?

a) It implies healthy exclusivity

b) It should be approached with caution to avoid feelings of ownership

c) It’s essential for a strong relationship

d) It creates a secure relationship


Q11. What does the "tuner" component encourage partners to do?

a) Change each other’s unique qualities

b) Set restrictions to improve connection

c) Focus on understanding and appreciating each other's individuality

d) Compete for control within the relationship


Q12. What is the main purpose of the "don’t fall for ownership" principle?

a) To establish control over each other

b) To create a single, shared frequency between partners without distortion

c) To prevent partners from making independent choices

d) To eliminate individuality in the relationship


Q13. What can a "who is the boss" dynamic lead to in a relationship?

a) A healthy and balanced partnership

b) A toxic and destructive experience

c) Improved mutual respect

d) Greater individual freedom

Correct answers: 1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b, 5-a, 6-b, 7-c, 8-b, 9-b, 10-b, 11-c, 12-b, 13-b



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