
Alessio Favaretto
If you're ever going to join a Latin dancing event, Bachata has become one of the most popular sensual dances to conquer the dance floor.
Get ready because it's very addictive; the music is easy to listen to, and due to its popularity a lot of songs have been remixed into bachata bits. To give you a taste of it, I am going to share here one of my favorite dancing couples.

A taste of Bachata
"Daniel and Desiree, Master Class, 2015."

FeW more moves..
"Daniel and Desiree, Los Angeles, 2016."
It created in the Dominican Republic during the 1960s and was danced only in the closed position, like the bolero, often in close embrace.
Inspired by the bolero basic step, bachata evolved over time to include a tap and syncopations (steps in between the beats), helping dancers express the more dynamic music commonly played.
The hand placement can vary according to the position of the dances, which can range from very close to open to completely open.
There are different variations of bachata, from the more "traditional" to bachatango, from ballroom to sensual...