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Part 1

Transparency International. (2021). World Corruption

The Hero's Journey according to Joseph Campbell

How to Master Your Emotions - Tony Robbins

Rapid Planning Method (RPM) - Tony Robbins

How to Live an Extraordinary Life

The Fight Flight Freeze Response

The Matrix - Joseph Campbell Monomyth

Gratitude Meditation

How to Truly Be Grateful In Any Situation -Tony Robbins

Sacramentum BEA HERO Script
HERO's Oath

Gratitude Meditation

Sacramentum BEA HERO Script

Sacramentum Ceremony Instructions Booklet

BEA HERO Affirmation Music Playlist - Spotify

"Now I am the Voice" by Anthony Robbins

BEA HERO Oath Music Playlist - Spotify

Heroes Sacramentum Script

BEA HERO Coronation Music Playlist - Spotify

BEA HERO Certificate
Part 2

How To Master Emotions, T. Robbins

Change your words, change your life - T, Robbins

Gateway experience. Internal report

Gateway Intermediate Workbook

Jim Rohn, The Set Of The Sail

The Principles of Aikido

The Fear Factor

Healing illness with the subconscious mind

Analysis and assessment of gateway process

Aristotle - History's most influential thinker

The experience of regret: What, when, and why

Regrets of the typical American

Countdown To Zero

My Lifetime Canvas

Atomic tune-up: How the body rejuvenates itself

How long does it actually take to form a new habit?

Reticular Activating System

Neuroscience explains why you need to write down your goals

The Awareness Test

The Observation Test

BEA HERO LifeMasters

How changing your story can change your life
Part 3

Thomas A. Edison 10,000 Failures

Ninety Percent Mental - Bob Tewksbury

Children's self-esteem already established by age 5

MacGregor, S. (n.d.). CALM - Subconscious mind does not know the difference

Bruce Lee Striking Thoughts

The strange link between the human mind and quantum

Your Brain on Imagination: It’s a Lot Like Reality

BEA HERO LifeMasters Day 1

Ikigai: The Japanese Art of a Meaningful Life
Part 4

Why We Do What We Do

The 6 Human Needs

US Experiment on infants withholding affection

Theories of Love

Endorphins, romantic relationships: An understudied area

Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship

Why Is Oxytocin Known as the ‘Love Hormone’?

The many faces of oxytocin: Implications for psychiatry

Heart Over Brain by
Thrive Global

How to Find Your Purpose in Life?

Meanings of Life
Part 5

What are the REAL RICHES of Life?

Becoming Supernatural

Quantum Consciousness

Application of Sound Frequencies as an Epigenetic Tool

Networked Intelligence

Properties of Biophotons and Their Theoretical Implications

Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation

Transformations Of Human

THINK Interfaces Incorporated

Becoming Supernatural

Water Crystals

Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs

The Silva Method

The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death

BEA HERO Daily Journal Cyan

BEA HERO Daily Journal Pink


Astrology Calculator
Part 6

A Theory of Human Motivation

"I Love Fish"

The cognitive self: The self-concept

The Five Languages of Apology

The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work

Love is Choice
Part 7

The Feeling Wheel

A Theory of Human Motivation

Transformative Power of Classic Music

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